If it was an error, then so be it, but I think that Mac wouldn't let a little something like that slip ya know? GO:OD AM's message was very introspective and reflective. Post another 3 times in another 24 hours if u want. Honestly, I think Mac did shit like this just to make us think or wonder. I love the post but I don’t have an answer to what it could be. I’m not saying this directly to any comment or reply on this specific post. People are allowed to disagree but the negativity, the toxicity and the fighting shit has got to stop.
A safe haven for us Macheads to celebrate and remember Mac. With that said this is always been a place I’ve come to to put a smile on my face and remember a legend from my City. Anything you post is out in the open and fair game for any comments. Point being, though this is a Mac fan page it’s still social media. I’ve had recent run-ins in which I’ve given my honest take and been met with so much hate or people throwing out a hot phrase like “gatekeeper”, which is garbage and so far from what or who I am. I feel in recent months as the sub grew from 60K to the 95K+ it is becoming more toxic and there’s so much hate being spread around. The majority of people on this sub are hard-core Macheads and they reply with positive comments even if they disagree with the take. So I think there is a 0% chance something so big like an album cover would contain any type of oversight. I feel like he had meaning behind every album cover, lyric or piece that he put out. I believe that there was meaning behind every move Mac made, even if that meaning was just to make the listener/viewer/consumer think. I think that’s what makes it so beautiful. But Mac has said many times in multiple interviews that art is subjective in that different people may find different meanings behind his lyrics or his album covers, etc. I appreciate the take and I urge u to keep making post and staying positive! I will never claim to know the meaning behind someone else’s art. I just ordered and received the vinyl myself.